
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mardi Gras Designs

Mistick Krewe of Comus 1873 'Missing Links' Parade Costume Designs
Mistick Krewe of Comus 1910 Float Designs

New Orleans, Louisiana

Sea Nettle and Bat by Charles Briton 1873
Sea Nettle and Bat

Sea Dragon and Coral Polyp by Charles Briton 1873
Sea Dragon and Coral Polyp

Fly and Spider by Charles Briton 1873
Fly and Spider

Snail and Leech drawings by Charles Briton 1873
Snail and Leech

Alligator and Zebra by Charles Briton 1873
Alligator and Zebra

Salamander and Lobster by Charles Briton 1873
Salamander and Lobster

Wild Boar and African Elephant by Charles Briton 1873
African Elephant and Wild Boar

  • Comus is the Greek god of revelry, merrymaking and festivity. He was the son and cup-bearer of the god Dionysus.
  • Krew is an organisation that puts on a parade or ball for the Carnival season (New Orleans Mardi Gras and some other carnival sites in the US).
  • Mistick Krewe of Comus is a New Orleans Carnival krewe founded in 1856 - prior to this, Carnival celebrations in New Orleans were mostly confined to the Roman Catholic Creole community, and parades were organised informally.
"This collection is the complete set of costume design drawings for the 1873 Mystick Krewe of Comus "Missing Links" parade. It was an important event in New Orleans' Mardi Gras history, becoming one of the first major parades to use satire and political commentary.

Many of the images depict figures related to the Civil War and Reconstruction, such as Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Butler, and Louisiana Governor Henry Warmoth. Also depicted are notable figures such as Charles Darwin, and Algernon Badger (head of the Metropolitan Police)."

ennie Wilde (1865-1913) was an artist who designed floats for many New Orleans Mardi Gras parades, including the Mistick Krewe of Comus and the Knights of Momus. The theme of the 1910 Comus parade was the Prophet Mahomet (Muhummad) and related subjects."

Comus 1910

The Cock 1910
The Cock

The Koran 1910
The Koran

Cadijah 1910

Habib the Wise 1910
Habib the Wise

Reward of the Faithful 1910
Reward of the Faithful

The Mystic Shrine 1910
The Mystic Shrine

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